Sermon Starters

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Thomas F. Fischer, M.Div., M.S.A., Editor

Transfiguration Sunday
Series C

Option #1: "Lord, It Is Good For Us To Be Here!"
Luke 9:28-36
Rev. Wayne Dobratz, B.A., M.Div.

1) To see Your glory--Lk 9:18, John 1:14, 17:5ff, 2 Pet 1:16-18;

2) To hear Your prophets speak of your coming Passion--Lk 24:25-27, John 1:17, 1:29, 1 Cor 1:22-24, Rev 1:17, 5:6-12;

3) To hear Your Father’s affirmation of Your work--Deut 18:18-19, John 3:35-36, 5:22ff

Richard Lenski, "Interpretation of St. Luke’s Gospel": The word exodus (v31 "departure" NIV) means more than Jesus’ death, especially in this connection after the prophecy of both the death and the resurrection of Jesus. It denotes the entire "exodus" by which Jesus left this earth, the sacrificial death plus the resurrection and the glorification. This was...the supreme topic of these exalted heavenly personages. ...All the saints in heaven looked forward to this accomplishment of Jesus. Redemption was intended for the universe of men, for the dead as well as for the living and those yet to live.


Holman Bible Dictionary: A mountain in the Bible is often a place of revelation. Moses and Elijah represented the law and the prophets respectively, which testify to but must give way to Jesus. Moses and Elijah themselves were heralds of the Messiah (Deut 18:15; Mal 4:5-6). The three booths suggest the Feast of the Tabernacles which symbolizes a new situation, a new age. Clouds represent divine presence. The close connection of the transfiguration with the confession and passion prediction is significant. The Messiah must suffer; but glorification and enthronement will follow His suffering. These involve resurrection, ascension, and return in glory. The disciples needed the reassurance of the transfiguration as they contemplated Jesus’ death and their future sufferings.

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Children's Message

Object: a suitcase

I’m sure you have one of these. When do you use it? Tell me what you carry in your suitcase.

I was thinking: Maybe it would be a good idea if we carried around an empty suitcase once in awhile. It would remind us of something Jesus taught us when he allowed the disciples to see what he looked like in heaven before he came here.

He let them see His glory. The word "glory" in the Bible means that a very bright light is shining. You know what a camera flash does to your eyes for a few seconds. Well, this light was much brighter than that. In one place the Bible says that Jesus’ face was shining like the sun and his clothes were as white as lightening.

This Jesus who shines as brightly as the sun is the same One who goes to the cross to suffer there for our sins. This is God Himself who loves us so much that he turns His power off just so that He could suffer and die for us. He didn’t use His power so that our sins could be forgiven.

That’s why I said maybe we should carry an empty suitcase around once in awhile. It’s empty because I won’t need anything when I get to heaven. I carry it to remember that this world is not my home. I’m only passing through. I’m on a trip to heaven; so are you. Jesus said: "Where I am, there my servant will also be." (John 12:26).

We are ready to go to be with Jesus whenever we listen to God’s Word. This Wednesday evening we are beginning our Lenten services. We follow Jesus through His suffering and death until we see Him rise from death in glory.

When we see Jesus in heaven, we’ll say with Peter: "Lord, it is GOOD for us to be here!"

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Option #2: "The Choice Voice"
Luke 9:28-36
Rev. Kelly Bedard, B.A., M.Div.

The Point: Jesus is the divine voice of choice to which we ought be listening
The Problem: spiritual fatigue; noisy and distinctive voices; theology of glory
The Promise: the Holy Spirit inspires and empowers us to hear and to see the signifiance of Jesus' death and resurrection and our glory as chosen and beloved children of God!
1. Jesus is showing in a dramatic way that cross bearers will be glory receivers; the end isn't the cross, the end is the glory of God. (David Guzik)
2. Why Moses and Elijah? Because they represent those who are caught up to God (Jude 9; 2 Kings 2:11); Moses represents those who die and go to glory, and Elijah represents those who are caught up to heaven without death (as in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). (David Guzik)
3. The past comes to visit and to affirm you beyond the future. This is more than ghosts of Christmas past or Christmas future. This is more than a Scroogian repentance. It is a going and a glowing and a growing from glory to glory. It is a model for going on to wholeness for ourselves and all of creation. (Wesley White)
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