Sermon Starters

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Thomas F. Fischer, M.Div., M.S.A., Editor

 Seventh Sunday After Pentecost
Series A

"From (Spiritual) Schizophrenia To Christophrenia"
Romans 7:15-25a
Rev. Kelly Bedard, B.A., M.Div.
The Point: Christians aren't forgiving, just perfect!
The Problem: We are infected with sin, which always seems to win, are untransformed by the Law and so ridiculed by the world as hypocritical.
The Promise: Wretches though we are, God will one day deliver us from our "bodies of death" through Jesus' dead body on the cross for us and through His resurrection rescue and, though a constant inner battle wars within us, it ultimately has no power and will not win.
1. The apostle's experience provides a priciple, enunciated here, which operates all through life. "To be saved from sin a [person] must at the same time own it and disown it; it is this practical paradox which is reflected in this verse." (James Denney/The New Bible Commentary: Revised)
2. "I see and approve the better life, but I follow the worse one." (Ovid/Ibid) Thanks be to God--through Jesus Christ our Lord (v25), who lived the better/best life for us and, through the Holy Spirit, empowers us to better living on His behalf and for His glory!


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