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Thomas F. Fischer, M.Div., M.S.A., Editor
Third Sunday in Advent
Series A
Option #1: "Not For
Matthew 11:2-11
Rev. Wayne Dobratz
Introduction: Theres an old story that the devil held an
auction. He offers to sell all his tools--all except one, that is. As the buyers
gather, they see on the table an oddly shaped tool which was labeled: NOT FOR
SALE. Asked to explain, the devil said: I can spare my other tools, but
not this one. It is the most useful tool I have. It is called DISCOURAGEMENT,
and with it I can work my way into hearts that are otherwise closed to me. Once
I get discouragement into someones heart, I can plant all kinds of useful
things. The devils best tool was at work in John the Baptist in his lonely
prison cell. He sent a messenger to Jesus and Jesus helped him with his doubts.
He has the same message for us today.
I. Even the prophets had doubts
A. Abraham had doubtsGen 15:8
B. Moses feared for his lifeEx 17:4
C. Gideon asked for a signJdg 6:17
D. Elijah wanted to give up after the defeat of the Baal
prophets1 Ki 19:3-4
II. Remember what Jesus said
A. I am the Light of the worldJohn 8:12
B. He gives rest to troubled soulsMatt 11:29-30
C. The Kingdom of God has come in HimMrk 1:14-15
D. He speaks the Fathers wordsJohn
7:28-29, 14:24
III. Remember what Jesus did (text, v2Johns
question is raised on the occasion of Jesus raising the young man at Nain; Lk
A. He fulfilled Isaiahs great prophecyIsa 61:1-2
B. Jesus claims in His first message to fulfill this prophecy from
IsaiahLk 4:18-19
C. His work of providing spiritual sight, spiritual freedom and spiritual
food is illustrated by his miracles
1. John 8:32
2. Rom 8:2
3. Rom 8:21
4. 2 Cor 3:15
5. John 8:12
6. John 6:27
Adam Clarke's Commentary on the New Testament:
Go and show John the thingsye do hear and seeChrist would have men to judge only of him and of others by their works. This is the only safe way of judging. The blind receive their sight, look upwards, contemplating the heavens which their Lord hath made. The lame walkthey walk about; to give the fullest proof to the multitude that their cure was real. These miracles were not only the most convincing proofs of the supreme power of Christ, but were also emblematic of that work of salvation which he effects in the souls of men.
1. Sinners are blind; their understanding is so darkened by sin that they see not the way of truth and salvation.
2. They are lamenot able to walk in the path of righteousness.
3. They are leprous, their souls are defiled with sin, the most loathsome and inveterate disease; deepening in themselves, and infecting others.
4. They are deaf to the voice of God, His word, and their own conscience.
5. They are dead in trespasses and sins; God, who is the life of the soul, being separated from it by iniquity.
Nothing less than the power of Christ can redeem from all
this; and, from all this, that power of Christ actually does redeem every
penitent believing soul. Giving sight to the blind, and raising the dead, are
allowed by the ancient rabbis to be works which the Messiah should perform, when
He should manifest himself in Israel. The poor have the Gospel preached to
themand what was this Gospel? Why, the glad tidings that Jesus Christ came
into the world to save sinners: that He opens the eyes of the blind; enables the
lame to walk with an even, steady, and constant pace in the way of holiness;
cleanses the lepers from all the defilement of their sins; opens the ears of the
deaf to hear His pardoning words; and raises those who were dead in trespasses
and sins to live in union with Himself to all eternity.
+ +
Option #2: "Salvific
James 5:7-10
Rev. Kelly Bedard
A. Patience has an ultimate eternal, not present,
application: we're called to patience so that, ultimately, more people hear
and know of salvation--not just so this present world will be a nicer place in
which to live
B. Patience doesn't mean wishy-washy-ness but, instead,
standing firm on/with God's Word
C. Impatience produces grumbling and fault-finding and,
possibly, judgment
1. makrothumeo (verse 7): be patient, have
patience, have long patience, bear long, suffer long, be longsuffering,
patiently endure; to be of a long spirit, not to lose heart; to
persevere patiently and bravely in enduring misfortunes and troubles; to be
patient in bearing the offenses and injuries of others; to be mild and slow
in avenging; to be longsuffering, slow to anger, slow to punish
2. karpos (verse 7): fruit; the fruit of
the trees, vines, of the fields; the fruit of one's loins, i.e., progeny, posterity; that
which originates or comes from something, an effect, result; work, act,
deed; advantage, profit, utility; praises, which are presented to God
as a thank offering; to gather fruit (i.e., a reaped harvest) into life
eternal; (as into a granary), is used in figurative discourse of those who by
their labours have fitted souls to obtain eternal life
3. A farmer does not give up when his crop does not come to
harvest immediately; he keeps on working even when the crop cannot be seen at
all--so Christians must work hard and exercise patient endurance even when the
harvest day seems far off. (David Guzik)
4. Times of hardship can cause us to be less than loving
with our Christian brothers and sisters; James reminds us that we cannot become
grumblers and complainers in our hardship--lest we condemn ourselves even in our
hardship. (Guzik)
5. Without patience our expectation degenerates into
wishful thinking. Patience comes from the word "patior," which means
to suffer. The first thing Jesus promises is suffering: "I tell
will be weeping and wailing...and you will be sorrowful." But he calls
these birth pains. And so, what seems a hindrance becomes a way; what seems like
an obstacle becomes a door; what seems a misfit becomes a cornerstone. Jesus
changes our history from a series of sad incidents and accidents into a constant
opportunity for a change of heart. To wait patiently therefore means to allow
our weeping and wailing to become the purifying preparation by which we are made
ready to receive the joy which is promised us. (Henri Nouwen)
6. Patience does not come automatically to most of us. Here
are some ways to practice patience in an ordinary day: choose the longer
checkout line at the grocery; avoid looking at the clock when you are waiting
for something; hold off on checking the mail; give a little extra consideration
to those with whom you live and work. God uses such ordinary moments to help us
grow into people filled with christ's own life. (Nouwen)
7. One-liners re: patience: 1) When impatience knocks, send
Jesus to the door; 2) Good things come to those who wait; 3) Patience
is a virtue; 4) the patience of Job (Jas 5:11ff)
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