Sermon Starters
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Thomas F. Fischer, M.Div., M.S.A., Editor
The Fourth Sunday Of Easter
#1: "What is This Abundant Life?"
(John 10:1-10)
Rev. Wayne Dobratz
This Sunday in the Church Year is called Good
Shepherd Sunday. We put our faith in the promises made by our living Lord Jesus
who promises the abundant life.
I. It is to have a Good Shepherd--vv1-2
A. He knows the sheep intimately--Jesus is
their Creator/God
B. He alone has the right to enter the
sheep pen--He lays down his life for them--vv9 & 11--"I am the Gate for
the sheep"; see also John 14:6 & Matt 20:28
II. It is to recognize and follow His voice--vv3, 4, 16, 27; Ps 95:6-7
Lawrence O. Richards writes in The Teachers Commentary: True Shepherd
recognized (John 10:1-6). In Israel sheep were not herded
with dogs or by men who walked behind them. The shepherd of the Middle East led
his sheep. He knew each one by name, and the sheep recognized his voice. At
night several herds of sheep might sleep in the same fold. In the morning, when
the one door was unbarred, each shepherd could unerringly pick out his own
flock. And each member of that flock would be able to distinguish his shepherd
from the others because the sheep would know the shepherds voice, just as
Gods people recognize Jesus as the living Word of God.
III. It is to live in safety
A. In this life--Isa 40:11, Ps 78:52-53, Ps
100:3, Isa 40:11-12, Col 2:6-10, Rom 5:1-2
B. In the life which is to come--Rev 7:17,
Rev 21:1-7; see also John 14: 2
Christ is full and sufficient for all his people. He is bread, wine, milk,
living waters, to feed them; he is a garment of righteousness to cover and adorn
them; a Physician to heal them; a Counselor to advise them; a Captain to defend
them; a Prince to rule; a Prophet to teach; a Priest to make atonement for them;
a Husband to protect; a Father to provide; a Brother to relieve; a Foundation to
support; a Root to quicken; a Head to guide; a Treasure to enrich; a Sun to
enlighten; and a Fountain to cleanse. (John Spencer, 1630-1693)
+ + +
Option #2: "WatchGod!"
(1 Peter 2:25)
Rev. Kelly Bedard
A. Straying Sheep
1. A classic case of the blind leading the
2. Not just "going astray," but
totally lost and unable to find way back
B. A Staying Shepherd
1. Blind-sighted--suffered, insulted,
died--for the sake of the blind
2. Returning the blind and totally disabled
sheep--us!--to His fold
1. planao: deceive, err, go astray, seduce, wander, be out of the way; to
cause to stray, to lead astray, lead aside from the right way; to go astray,
wander, roam about; metaphorically, to lead away from the truth, to lead into
error, to deceive;
to be led into error; to be led aside from the path of virtue, to go astray,
sin; to sever or fall away from the truth; of heretics; to be led away into
error and sin
2. epistrepho: turn, be converted, return, turn about, turn again; transitively,
to turn to, to the worship of the true God; to cause to return, to bring back;
to the love and obedience of God; to the love for the children; to love wisdom
and righteousness; intransitively, to turn to one's self; to turn one's self
about, turn back; to return, turn back, come back; tense: second passive
aorist indicative
3. poimen: shepherd, pastor; a herdsman; in the parable, he to whose care and
control others have committed themselves, and whose precepts they follow;
metaphorically, the presiding officer, manager, director, of any assembly:
so of Christ the Head of the church; of the overseers of the Christian
assemblies; of kings and princes; the tasks of a Near Eastern shepherd were: to
watch for enemies trying to attack the sheep; to defend the sheep from
attackers; to heal the wounded and sick sheep; to find and save lost or trapped
sheep; to love them, sharing their lives and so earning their trust; during
World War II, a shepherd was a pilot who guided another pilot whose plane was
partially disabled back to the base or carrier by flying alongside him to
maintain visual contact.
4. episkopos: bishop, overseer; an overseer; a man charged with the duty of
seeing that things to be done by others are done rightly, any curator, guardian
or superintendent; the superintendent, elder, or overseer of a Christian church.
5. We were astray. The tense here tells us that we were continually walking
around blindly. We had no direction. We were out there on our own, lost. Have
you ever been around sheep before? You might think that it is not such a bad
thing to be compared to sheep. Why, they are soft and fluffy and cute. True. But
dumber than cement. They might loose a poker game with an amoebae. When a sheep
is lost, it is dead. Sheep aren't like dogs or cats who can sniff their way
home. They just keep eating and walking, and eventually fall over a cliff or are
eaten by a wolf. (Evan Baltz)
6. The instinctive navigational ability of common ducks, geese, and swans makes
them the envy of the aircraft industry. On their trips south, some of the geese
maintain speed of fifty miles per hour and fly 1,000 miles before making their
first rest stop. When it comes to navigation, polar bears are no slouches
either. A polar bear that is tranquilized, trapped, and released 300 miles away
can usually find its way home, even across drift ice that changes constantly and
holds no landmarks and few odors. But bears and birds are rank amateurs compared
to lowly salmon, who cruise the expanse of the Pacific Ocean for several years
before returning (by scent? magnetic field?) to the streams of their birth.
(Philip Yancey in "Finding God in Unexpected Places")
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